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About Staff Council

Staff Council promotes a positive work environment for all Classified Employees through effectively advocating for our peers in the University’s decision-making process. WVU Staff Council was created to provide the classified staff employees of West Virginia University a means of conveying their concerns on employee-employer relations. This council was formed with recognition that all matters at WVU are governed by state law, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and University Rules.

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History of Staff Council

Staff Council, modeled after the University of Utah’s, is one of the first in the country. Dr. James Harlow, President, Dr. Harry Heflin, Vice President, and Mr. Sandy Serpento, Director of WVU Personnel, held the first meeting of the WVU Employee Advisory Board on April 21, 1970. The Board rapidly developed its own identity, and the name was changed to WVU Staff Council on September 1, 1970.

Staff Council is an advisory board to the University president and administration. The Council represents classified staff and consists of members from five classified categories: Clerical/Secretarial, Paraprofessional/Technician, Physical Plant/Maintenance/Service and Professional/Non-Teaching. The Council was designed as an avenue by which all classified employees can share in decision-making processes on issues such as job conditions, fringe benefits, employee/employer relations and policies and procedures. Through the Council’s various programs it shows its dedication to the educational needs and endeavors of classified staff and their children. Staff Council is also active in the community through the Committee on Communities. The Council places classified staff on personnel search committees and other University-wide committees that affect staff.

Some of the University/community projects Staff Council is involved in are: holding drives for donations to benefit families of WVU and/or the community; co-founder and coordinator of Classified Staff Emeritus program as well as the employees’ emergency relief fund known as Hearts and Hands; and coordinator of blood drives for the Red Cross.

Staff Council represents over 2800 employees statewide and includes every county in West Virginia. The positions are diversified, ranging from teaching to building services, from top-notch researchers to food service worker.