Welfare Ad-hoc Committee: STAAF
(Service * Training * Appreciation * Advocacy * Fellowship)
Shirley Robinson, Staff Council Chair
Annie Barclay, Assistant Accountant, Shared Services
Non-Staff Council Members:
Vivian Cespedes, Counselor II, Learning Advising and Student Success TRIO
Cathy Jasper, Assistant to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, Provost Office
Priscilla Minter, Administrative Associate, WVU College of Business and Economics
Tara Robbins, Student Success Coordinator, WVU Department of Geology and Geography
Drake Thibodaux, Administrative Assistant, Business and Economics
This ad-hoc committee will spearhead events throughout the academic year to promote staff development and fellowship for classified staff and open to the University community.
Support the Goals and Objectives of the Chair to help build staff morale through networking and activities that will foster a sense of working together. Events (outings) will be open to the university community when deemed necessary. Events will be geared towards networking, fellowship and staff development.